Transform Your Hair Care Routine for Fall | Tangerine Salon Tips and Tricks

It's officially fall, and just like how our wardrobes change, our hair care routines should too! The dry and chilly weather that comes with the autumn season can take a toll on our hair, making it dry and brittle, and more prone to breakage. So, if you want to keep your locks looking luscious and healthy this fall, it's essential to switch up your hair care routine. In this blog post, we've got you covered with some of the best tips and tricks from Tangerine Salon experts on how to transform your hair care routine this fall.

Consider a Trim

Fall is a great time to trim your hair and get rid of any split ends that may have developed over the summer. A trim will not only make your hair look healthier, but it'll also promote growth as it removes dead ends. Make sure to schedule an appointment with your stylist, and speak to them about the best haircuts for fall.

Be Gentle with Your Hair

With the humidity gone (thank goodness), the chilly air can make your hair dry and brittle. So, it's crucial to be gentle with your hair, especially when you're styling. You can start by using a microfiber towel or a cotton t-shirt to dry your hair instead of a rough towel. Also, try to avoid using heat-styling tools frequently as they can cause further damage to your hair.

Use Hair Masks

Hair masks are excellent for deep conditioning, and they're also perfect for keeping your hair healthy. You can use a hair mask once a week to nourish and hydrate your strands. Look for hair masks that contain ingredients like argan oil, coconut oil, and shea butter as they're great for providing the moisture your hair needs.

Switch Up Your Shampoo and Conditioner

Your summer shampoo and conditioner might not cut it this fall. With the weather changing, your hair's needs change too. Look for shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for dry and damaged hair to keep your strands hydrated and healthy. Make sure to speak to your stylist about the best products for your hair type.

Drink Water

Finally, remember from your local broken record that healthy hair comes from within. Drinking enough water is crucial for keeping your hair healthy, especially during the colder months. Water hydrates your body, and in turn, helps your hair retain its moisture and shine.

In summary, fall is the perfect time to switch up your hair care routine. Whether it's getting a trim, being gentle with your hair, using hair masks, switching up your shampoo and conditioner, or drinking water, these tips and tricks from Tangerine Salon experts can help keep your locks looking luscious and healthy all fall long. So, get ready to transform your hair care routine this season!


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